Clairemont is not exactly San Diego's most exciting neighborhood - it's one half retirement town and one half "wrong side of the tracks"; but living on the north side of town has it's advantages... proximity to the ocean, easy access to Mt. Soledad, a quick ride to the PCH. It also is close to one of my favorite coffee stops... Cafe 976... The food isn't terribly good... neither is the coffee... and the service even less so... But, the scenery... that's another matter. Pacific Beach is only about 4 miles from my place up in Clairemont. Sitting on the corner of Feldspar and Cass, Cafe 976 has one of the most amazing outdoor patios in San Diego.
Cafe 976 has an extensive menu - breakfast, lunch - and serves up San Diego's own Cafe Moto Coffee. It's a convenient place to stop by for a pre-ride espresso and Trieste ( scrambled eggs, sun dried tomatoes, feta, and potatos - or potatoes if you prefer). Like I said if you are looking for epicurean delights this isn't the place, but if you are looking for a place to waste away the afternoon with a Cup O' Joe and the Union Trib's crossword you could do much worse.
Rebecca's Coffee House in South Park is another matter. If you are lucky enough, or obsessed enough (yours truly), to arrive at Rebecca's before 7am you will be just in time to grab some of the first batch of her freshly baked scones. Your ready haven't had a scone until you've had one of these. In fact, I'd dare say that after having one of these, you'll never be satisfied with anyone else's.
The one picture to the right is an apple cinnamon. Approximately 3000 calories of gastronomic goodness. I'm pretty certain that all 3000 calories are from fat, and not the good kind, but you have to live every now and then. Oh, by the way... they also come with a side of homemade preserves.
If you get there late, it's well worth your time to wait the 40 minutes for the next batch, call in late to work... and get a second for your boss, after one taste they'll understand.