Saturday, February 13, 2010

Weak link in the chain...

On the final climb at last week's race I pushed a little too hard and felt some sharp pain in my right knee. Not so much that I pulled up, but enough that I knew that I'd be paying for it the next day. On, Sunday it felt pretty tight, and sore enough that I skipped Sunday's Red Trolley Race - one that I felt pretty strong about.

The first part of last week was filled with some lighter efforts and even the short ride I did this morning brought a little pain. However, I was my Left knee that gave out at work today... I simply turned around to answer a question and pop went my knee.

So, as I write this my left knee has been on ice as I watch Apollo Ono on the short track... At least after two surgeries there's not much left inside the joint to tear.

Broken ribs, a destroyed bike, and now a bum knee... not a good way to begin the year.

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